5 Ways to Love Earth as Much as You Love Cannabis

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5 Ways to Love Earth as Much as You Love Cannabis(Rawpixel/iStock)The Earth is dying. The paper from cannabis packaging may also be recycled, or better yet, composted depending on your city laws. Here are five easy ways to become a more sustainable cannabis consumers right now. You can unsubscribe from Leafly email messages anytime.Learn More About Sustainability Growing Making a Case for Craft Cannabis Industry How Cannabis Retailers Can Implement Sustainable Practices Growing Sustainable Gardening Practices for Growing Cannabis Podcasts What Are You Smoking? Also, there are some companies—like CannaCycle in California—who accept many types of used cannabis packaging and find a way to repurpose it.

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5 Ways to Love Earth as Much as You Love Cannabis


The Earth is dying.

Okay, now that I have your attention, let’s talk about sustainability.

Sustainability aims to avoid the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain ecological balance. In simpler terms, that means not treating our planet like trash and making eco-friendly decisions in hopes that a healthy planet will be around for generations to come.

Admittedly this is a complex issue, but you as a cannabis consumer can choose to take part in the solution as opposed to the problem by adjusting your cannabis lifestyle in ways that have a neutral...

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