Bye, Blemishes! How CBD Oil Can be Used to Clear Acne

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To reap the benefits of using CBD oil to treat acne, buy a brand from a dispensary or other reputable seller. In other words, CBD oil might combat the unsightly swelling and redness that accompany pimples and cystic nodules. To know how CBD oil can treat acne, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what causes those ugly lumps and bumps. In addition to decreasing oil production in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, CBD could also help reduce inflammation. For patients who struggle with moderate to severe acne, a dermatologist might prescribe medications to reduce oil production and get breakouts under control.

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By Kate Kasbee

When the hurricane of hormones mellows out after puberty, we expect our acne to go along with it. Unfortunately, we aren’t guaranteed perfect complexions as we age. In fact, a majority of adults are plagued with pimples that cause redness, pain, and a blow to their self-esteem.

While it might sound backwards to fight oily skin with oil, scientific studies have shown that cannabis-based treatments are showing promise.

To know how CBD oil can treat acne, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what causes those ugly lumps and bumps. Acne appears when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, and hair...

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