CBD for Dogs: Drug Interactions to Be Aware Of

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If you are planning to work with your vet to try CBD oil for your dog, be sure to find a full spectrum CBD oil that is made just for dogs, like LolaHemp. Full Spectrum CBD Oil for Dogs: Phytocannabinoid Interactions The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) remains a rich area of scientific study. CBD Oil and Chemotherapy One of the most exciting areas of scientific research on the health benefits of CBD oil can be found in oncology. CANNABIS CULTURE –  CBD oil is the biggest health supplement trend for both people and dogs right now. In fact, the AKC Health Foundation recently announce plans for a major clinical trial to study the potential for CBD oil for use in drug resistant epileptic dogs.

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CANNABIS CULTURE –  CBD oil is the biggest health supplement trend for both people and dogs right now. It’s not surprising why: Research continues to demonstrate that this natural product has several health benefits for both humans and our furry friends.

This is due in large part to the fact that the Endocannabinoid System is active in regulating a large number of biological processes including pain, inflammation, digestion, skin health, sleep cycles, and appetite.

What many people do not realize is that cannabidiol can interact with other drugs in important ways. Although some of these interactions can interfere with the metabolism of some...

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