Getting wild: New Mexico mulls allowing CBD use on aging pets

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The Medical Cannabis Advisory Board is currently accepting petitions for new qualifying conditions to be adopted under New Mexico’s medical marijuana laws. The state is currently considering a petition to allow residents to use cannabis to treat epilepsy in their aging and ailing pets, the Associated Press reports. Respondents to an online survey overwhelmingly reported that they felt CBD was as good or better at treating their pets than other conventional medications. CBD for pets: Where's the scientific evidence? The board, which will debate the petitions next month, is not revealing the names of the people who submitted them.

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New Mexico may let man’s best friend into the cannabis club.

The state is currently considering a petition to allow residents to use cannabis to treat epilepsy in their aging and ailing pets, the Associated Press reports.

The Medical Cannabis Advisory Board is currently accepting petitions for new qualifying conditions to be adopted under New Mexico’s medical marijuana laws. The board, which will debate the petitions next month, is not revealing the names of the people who submitted them.


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