Legalization in Canada: The United Nations Problem

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The students assessed the different potential workarounds for Canadians to enjoy legal cannabis. Perhaps the best way to pull out is to scientifically prove that legalization is, in fact, a positive step forward. No matter how Canada chooses to deal with the UN Drug Control Treaties, some type of action will need to take place. Photo Courtesy of Allie Beckett Share Tweet Share Pin These treaties prohibiting cannabis were signed without any clear scientific evidence that marijuana does harm.

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Although it seems that everything is on track to legalize marijuana in Canada, the one elephant in the room which has not been addressed is how the country plans to navigate the UN Drug Control Treaties.

Those prohibitionist-era documents include the Single Convention on Narcotics, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, and the Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

Little has been said by the federal government as to how they plan to deal with these signed agreements, but a University of Ottawa student think-tank has come up with a very creative...

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