Lexichronic | Higher Education

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From breaking news, policy updates and medical studies to emerging entertainment stories and their cultural impact, the team at Lexichronic brings you researched and honest dialogue about marijuana in the United States and the rest of the world. Whether it’s good, bad or controversial, Lexichronic exists to educate the people. We are dedicated to bringing […]

From breaking news, policy updates and medical studies to emerging entertainment stories and their cultural impact, the team at Lexichronic brings you researched and honest dialogue about marijuana in the United States and the rest of the world.

Whether it’s good, bad or controversial, Lexichronic exists to educate the people. We are dedicated to bringing you the intimate, researched truths related to cannabis and the cultures incorporating it.

With an ever-growing Lexicon of terms, etiquette tutorials and informational how-to guides on the culture of cannabis, we present experienced, familiar content with an insightful perspective.