Pruning Marijuana Plants to Boost Yields and Increase Bud Production

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Pruning marijuana plants can be an excellent way to boost yields, especially when you’re doing everything else right. Super Cropping Step 1 Super Cropping Step 2 Low-Stress TrainingLST is a type of training that involves tying rather than damaging your plant somehow. Basic Pruning ToppingTopping marijuana plants involves chopping off the main shoot from the very top. You simply squeeze and bend a long branch on your marijuana plant, especially the middle stem. At that point, cut off the main shoot (but only the newest shoot to minimize damage).

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Pruning marijuana plants can be an excellent way to boost yields, especially when you’re doing everything else right. Pruning can be simple or complex, depending on which type you choose to do. Regardless, it’s crucial that you know what you’re doing before pruning. Otherwise, pruning could do more harm than good.


Basic Pruning

At its most basic, pruning is simply the process of chopping off parts of your plant. Doing it willy-nilly will have no positive effects, but doing it strategically can be extremely helpful. Leaves at the bottom that are turning yellow can be pruned, for example, so that your plant doesn’t waste its resources...

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