Smoking marijuana in front of kids in legal U.S. states is a no-no

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So, how is a parent supposed to consume marijuana when their kids are always home? And yes, this is even true in states where marijuana is legal. Now, this certainly isn’t fair, considering that there typically aren’t any laws that prevent parents from drinking alcohol near kids. One way or another, moms and dads need a way to decompress from the grind of raising kids, and weed does the trick for some of them. For example, using marijuana in the house when children are present is not only frowned upon, but it can also lead to parents being charged with a criminal offense.

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Some people believe marijuana makes them better parents. They claim it takes the edge off and allows them to find moments of relaxation when their little curtain climbers go from being a bit rambunctious to full-blown evil. Without it, who knows? They might drop them off at the nearest fire department, put in a call to an adoption agency, or sell them off to a band of gypsies.

One way or another, moms and dads need a way to decompress from the grind of raising kids, and weed does the trick for some of them. But it’s still one...

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