The Coming Disappearance of Marijuana (the Word)

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In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act (spelled “Marihuana” at the time) was passed and the term marijuana was codified into law. A lexical shift is happening around the word cannabis. Usually you hear the term ‘marijuana’ in a disparaging way. About time.” Just as marijuana was once codified into law in America, changing the tone and tenor of the conversation, Canada is now experiencing its own lexical shift. Why ‘Cannabis’ Is Rising and ‘Marijuana’ Is FadingMarijuana still dominates mainstream media, but cannabis is coming on strong. (Julie Jacobson/AP)During alcohol prohibition, you could get zozzled at a juice joint.

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Politics  The latest in cannabis legalization including laws and policies, legislators’ views, election coverage, and more.

Say What? Why ‘Cannabis’ Is Rising and ‘Marijuana’ Is Fading

Marijuana still dominates mainstream media, but cannabis is coming on strong. (Julie Jacobson/AP)

During alcohol prohibition, you could get zozzled at a juice joint. Half-screwed, half-shot, half-seas over. You could have the heebie jeebies, the screaming meemies, the whoops and jingles. You could burn with a low blue flame. You could be squiffy, scrooched, and sprung. Slopped to the ears. Stewed to the gills. Fried to the hat.

A lexical shift...

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