Black Magic Potions and Spells That You Should Probably Not Cast


The first 1,000 people to sign up to Skillshare will get their first 2 months for free: Ok, this one is a bit silly. But, if you were to cast black magic potions and spells, these are some things you could do! For thousands of years, mankind's only source of healthcare was the local witch doctor, druid, shaman, or spirit healer, yet while modern medicine has long done away with these traditions, many of today's medicines and treatments have their roots in what was once considered magic. Druids and witches in ancient Europe, for example, were renowned for their use of various plants, herbs, and fungi to treat injuries, and modern science has discovered strong antibiotic properties in many of these ingredients. But what about the darker side of magic? That’s what we’ll explore today, in this episode of The Infographics Show, Black magic potions and spells. SUBSCRIBE TO US -► -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEBSITE (SUGGEST A TOPIC): SUPPORT US: Patreon.......► SOCIAL: Twitter........► Subreddit...► -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources for this episode: