Why I Went on Tucker Carlson Last Night to Defend Legalization

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Why I Went on Tucker Carlson Last Night to Defend Legalization'How do we know pot is safer than alcohol? So no wonder Tucker Carlson thinks legalization is a big mistake. And I find Tucker Carlson to be an abhorrent race-baiting fear-monger. At one point I pretty clearly let my contempt for Tucker Carlson slip out. So please don’t think I’m picking on Fox News when it comes to media coverage of Berenson’s dangerous and delusional book.

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Why I Went on Tucker Carlson Last Night to Defend Legalization

'How do we know pot is safer than alcohol? How do we know that, sir?' (CSA-Printstock/iStock, Courtesy of Fox News)

I don’t consider Fox News to be a credible source of information. And I find Tucker Carlson to be an abhorrent race-baiting fear-monger.

I know what I’m getting myself into by lying down with these dogs. I’ve been on Fox News before.

So I had to weigh the pros and cons carefully before confirming an appearance last night on his de-facto propaganda program to discuss Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence—a sensationalistic...

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