13 Things You Might Be Doing Wrong When First Smoking Marijuana

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Some claim that coughing means that you’re smoking good quality marijuana, or that you’re starting to get high. Smoking marijuana is the most popular and readily-available way of consuming weed, especially for first-timers. Coughing Photo by cottonbro via Pexels There’s some mystery surrounding coughing and smoking weed. Coughing is related to the heat of the smoke you’re inhaling and the irritation that it causes on your throat and lungs. Before making your purchase, ask yourself what kind of high you’re looking for.

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Trying marijuana for the first time? Here’s how to get that high you’re seeking.

Smoking marijuana is the most popular and readily-available way of consuming weed, especially for first-timers. Still, you’d be surprised by the amount of misinformation that people believe, even those who’ve used weed for long periods of time.

We’ve made a list of the 10 most common smoking sins to try and help you achieve the high you aspire to. Try not to make these mistakes.

1. Smoking a joint like a cigar


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