7 Odd New Ways Companies Want You to Consume CBD

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As more people begin to take CBD for its therapeutic abilities, even more people are going to want to try CBD products and want to use it in new ways. CBD products remain unregulated by the FDA, and often it’s these particularly unusual CBD products that run the most risk of being ineffective. Here’s a list of the 7 most unusual new ways CBD has been incorporated into products floating around the market. 1) CBD Inhalers When it comes to developing unique CBD products, it’s vital for a business to understand the importance of relatability. Improperly labeled or misleading CBD products that leave consumers feeling discouraged only hurt the industry at large. Still, criticism aside, we’ve gotta give it to Acabada for designing one of the most eye-catching CBD products we’ve come across.

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Just a few years ago, farmers in the United States were only growing a little more than 9,000 acres of hemp a year. But by 2019, that number had skyrocketed to over 500,000 acres — and much of that growth has been powered by demand for one cannabinoid: cannabidiol (CBD).

More and more people are turning down the outdated concept that cannabis is evil and are beginning to see just how much the plant can help. And given that hemp is legal nationwide and defined as the cannabis...

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