8 Major Cannabis Leaf Problems and Effective Remedies

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We’ve highlighted some of the most common cannabis leaf problems growers come across along with the best remedies for each type. All you have to do is make sure you and your team know how to respond when someone spots a potential problem in the grow room. 8 Cannabis Leaf Problems to Keep an Eye on Most hemp and cannabis leaf problems begin as a sign that can evolve into something quite destructive if left untreated. Every grower knows exactly how costly cannabis leaf problems can become if you aren’t careful. But like most plants, cannabis does a pretty good job of showing you when something is going wrong. Thankfully, your marijuana plants’ leaf surfaces are prepared to show you what’s going wrong.

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Every grower knows exactly how costly cannabis leaf problems can become if you aren’t careful. Whether you cultivate outdoors, indoors, or some combination of the two, it takes time to determine exactly what works best for your plants.

From nutrient deficiencies and mildew to the constant struggle for optimal airflow and hydration, there are plenty of mistakes to be made when growing. But like most plants, cannabis does a pretty good job of showing you when something is going wrong. All you have to do is make sure you and your...

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