A Targeted Approach to Cannabis Consumer Marketing

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In cannabis consumer marketing, the conventional strategy centered on advertising with cannabis-themed platforms and endemic publications is no longer a viable approach. If the Hollywood stereotype of a typical cannabis consumer ever has been accurate, it certainly isn’t anymore. Cannabis consumer marketing While the above benefits are profitable in every market category, the application of programmatic advertising in the cannabis industry is particularly valuable. Sam Hollander is an accomplished sales, business development, and project management executive with expertise in digital marketing and advertising solutions. Benefits of enhancing a cannabis marketing strategy with programmatic advertising solutions include:  Maximum transparency.

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If the Hollywood stereotype of a typical cannabis consumer ever has been accurate, it certainly isn’t anymore. Over the past fifteen years, the social stigma surrounding consumption has steadily disappeared in tandem with expanding legalization, pushing cannabis increasingly into mainstream economic territory. This has resulted in a robust growth-market phase in the industry, primarily driven by rapidly increasing consumer demand across all key demographics.

In cannabis consumer marketing, the conventional strategy centered on advertising with cannabis-themed platforms and endemic publications is no longer a viable approach. Marketers...

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