After Harvest: From Drying to Selling Cannabis

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Nevertheless, the first step after harvest is the proper drying, curing and bucking down of the cannabis. The joys and challenges of being a small farm cannabis cultivator are myriad. By autumn, the time comes to harvest the crop and begin the drying and curing process. All too often we hear of farmers losing their entire crops to mold or mildew due to improper drying and curing. Drying and Curing Cannabis Just when you think you are in the clear because the harvest is in the barn, now is when the conscious cultivator must really be aware.

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The joys and challenges of being a small farm cannabis cultivator are myriad. Beginning in the spring, when we first “crack” our seeds in preparation for planting, the thrill is there. Each delicate little sprout is carefully placed in living soil, and for the following seven months, we have the supreme joy of watching those tiny shoots develop into glorious big girls, laden with luscious buds.

Naturally, there can be setbacks along the way, whether from climate, bugs, disease, predators or basic human errors. Generally, the pleasure overrides the problems. By autumn, the time comes to harvest the crop and begin the drying and curing process.


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