Boundless CF Review: A Top Tier Vaporizer You CAN Afford

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Their new Boundless CF vaporizer is the perfect case in point. As far as we’re concerned, the Boundless CF is probably the strongest contender for the best value vaporizer of 2019. Because the Boundless CF utilizes both conduction and convection heating methods, the vapor quality it produces is simply staggering! However, with the Boundless CF, there’s just nothing huge to complain about. Designed like no other Though the Boundless CF is classified as a portable vaporizer (which it is), it’s by no means the ultimate, inconspicuously small device.

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If you love vaporizers, Boundless is probably a brand that’s close to your heart.

Despite the company’s brief history (launched in 2015), Boundless managed to become one of the leading manufacturers in this niche market.

What sets them apart is their ingenious and intelligent design, state-of-the-art technology, and most importantly, budget-friendly price tags.

Their new Boundless CF vaporizer is the perfect case in point.

Not only is it a brilliantly designed hybrid vaporizer (combines convection and conduction heating methods) that’s easy to carry around in your...

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