Breaking Down the Bud: Zoom In on Trichomes

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These trichomes appear primarily on the underside of leaves and their main purpose is to protect the plant from insects and spider mites. They are protective trichomes that discourage insects and mites from eating foliage. There are four distinct types of plant hairs, better known as trichomes. Excerpted from “Marijuana Horticulture Fundamentals: A Comprehensive Guide to Cannabis Cultivation and Hashish Production” by K from Trichome Technologies. There is a half-bubble, larger, egg-shaped resin gland that clings to the surface of the leaves and bud and contains only smell and taste terpenes (no THC): this is called a bulbous trichome.

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Some misinformed people judge harvest time simply by the color of a plant’s stigmas, and while that is a good pre-harvest indicator, we prefer using a 20x or 100x magnification loupe to look directly at the trichomes.

There are four distinct types of plant hairs, better known as trichomes. There is a half-bubble, larger, egg-shaped resin gland that clings to the surface of the leaves and bud and contains only smell and taste terpenes (no THC): this is called a bulbous trichome. It is basically a plant hair without a stalk.

There is also a crystolith trichome, which basically looks like a hair with a long, pointed tip. These trichomes appear...

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