Brody Jenner Gets B-Day Cannabis Gift Basket from Ex and Miley Cyrus

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Jenner’s birthday is August 21, so the pan-amorous pair sent Jenner a big bouquet of cannabis from California producer Lowell Herb Company. Look at this!” On Lowell Herb Co. stationary, M + K penned a humorous greeting that read, “Brody, WEED like to wish you a happy birthday! Happy birthday to me,” Jenner reportedly commented in the video post as he displayed the message and buds from his ex-wife and Cyrus. According to several celebrity media outlets, Jenner posted a video in an Instagram Story thanking Carter and Cyrus for the gift, and said, “Miley and Kaitlynn, you guys really stepped it up on this one. Cyrus, the former Disney star, singer, and boundary-pushing daughter (who identifies as queer) of musician Billy Ray Cyrus, recently separated from Hemsworth after seven months of marriage.

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MALIBU, Calif. – Raising the bar on quasi-amicable, conscious un-coupling style break ups; birthday boy, model, and reality TV personality Brody Jenner received a thoughtful gift from his former wife Kaitlynn Carter and her recent ladylove interest Miley Cyrus (who recently separated from super-hunky, soon-to-be ex-husband, actor and “Hunger Games” star Liam Hemsworth).

Jenner’s birthday is August 21, so the pan-amorous pair sent Jenner a big bouquet of cannabis from California producer Lowell Herb Company.

According to several celebrity media outlets, Jenner posted a video...

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