Can Cannabis Help Seasonal Depression

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This is often known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and it can make the winter months miserable for lots of people. Can cannabis help seasonal depression? In recent years, more and more people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder have begun opening up about their struggles. RELATED: 5 Ways To Overcome The Winter Blues This Year Aside from cannabis, there are a handful of other at-home methods that can help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. How Common is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

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Ultimately, seasonal affective disorder can set in as quickly and seamlessly as the fall foliage on the trees outside.  

The weather and foliage on the trees aren’t the only things that are changing around this time of year. As the sun starts to set earlier and earlier, peoples moods can be affected by the decrease in sunlight. This is often known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and it can make the winter months miserable for lots of people. Can cannabis help seasonal depression?

Fortunately for those that do suffer from SAD, there are numerous...

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