Can My Pet Use My Medical Marijuana or CBD?

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So can pet use medical marijuana or cbd? CBD and Pets It’s only normal to want the best for our pet dogs and cats, and the use of cannabidiol has shown to be more than promising. CBD products are perfectly safe for your furry friend as long as they’re derived from the hemp variety of the cannabis plant. Medical Marijuana and Pets it is well know chocolate is toxic to dogs. The medical side of the pet care industry is over $2.6 billion in North American.

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My pet is like my child, is it ok to share my medicine with them, but just in smaller doses?

In the history of medicine, men of have been the key factor and up until the 1980s women and kids were just seen as little men in regards to medical dosage. In 1986, National Institute of Health established a policy that encouraged researchers to include women in studies.  We have quickly come a long way, but you need to remember, despite your love and treatment of your pet, they are just not mini-humans.  The...

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