Cannabis Trade Show Strategies

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Bronstein’s team attends myriad cannabis and non-cannabis trade shows annually, and Bronstein typically attends to move potential deals forward. “Trade shows are an extremely important part of our business,” said. Trade shows, conventions, and expos are where we come together en masse to celebrate, realize, and maximize these gains. Even in the best of times, trade shows can seem prohibitively expensive and emotionally overwhelming. Agencies that do this dozens of times a year have a huge leg up.” According to Hoover, “Executing trade shows can be logistically taxing. Trade shows usually incorporate networking events, mixers, and afterparties to keep energy high and add value to what little downtime exists.

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After a year-and-a-half break while the world reeled and readjusted to the COVID-19 pandemic, events came roaring back in the second half of 2021. The cannabis industry, buoyed by its designation as “essential,” returned to in-person gatherings with renewed momentum. Revenue is up, stigma is down, and a continuing trend of legislative victories means 145 million Americans now live in a state where cannabis is legal for adult use.

Trade shows, conventions, and expos are where we come together en masse to celebrate, realize, and maximize these gains. A cannabis trade show can play an important role in all industries, but...

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