CDC Discovers Possible Connection in Vape-Related Lung Injury Cases

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The CDC investigation into the cause of the vape-related lung injury epidemic is ongoing, involving multiple federal agencies and state public health officials. Anne Schuchat, principal director at the CDC, told reporters in a media teleconference that more than one chemical might be responsible. His lung function had so deteriorated by October 3; he was within days of dying without a double lung transplant. Also called Tocopheryl acetate, early speculation pointed out Vitamin E acetate as a possible culprit. Titled “Under the Radar: Synthetic Cannabinoids and Vaping-Related Lung Injuries,” the report went on to outline the possible connection between lung injury and use of synthetic cannabinoids, which are created specifically for lab use, and not meant for human consumption.

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UPDATE: November 12, 2019 – 7:20 p.m. PDT – Doctors at Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital today announced that a seventeen-year old Michigan boy has received a double lung transplant, due to lung damage caused by vaping. He is the first EVALI patient to require transplant surgery in order to avoid “imminent death.”

At a press conference, doctors did not reveal what products the teen had been vaping. According to news organization Reuters, the patient’s family asked doctors...

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