Choosing Cannabis Seeds to Start the Season

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Regular Seeds Growing from regular cannabis seeds has its drawbacks. There is something special about sprouting your own cannabis seeds, watching them grow and mature—they become your babies. Feminized Seeds After Nat Pennington explained to me that there are three ways to produce feminized seeds, I looked up some details. PHOTO Steve Zmak The last option for cannabis seeds is the auto-flowering variety. Up to this point, I have always used regular seeds here at Swami Select.

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What’s the most important thing to get right in growing cannabis? This is, of course, an ongoing argument and every grower will probably give a different answer. Be that as it may, choosing the genetics is the first and one of the most important decisions you can make.

Selecting the right cannabis seeds is a process requiring several stages of decision making, and it will impact all other aspects of the grow. If you pick the wrong seeds for your environment and climate, then you could lose the whole crop to mold, frost or mildew. There are also market demand factors to consider. For example, deciding to go for all fruity cultivars because you like...

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