Do Tolerance Breaks Work For CBD?

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Unlike THC, CBD reduces the binding activity of your CB1 receptors. THC & CBD differ greatly when it comes to the effects they have on our bodies. Like any other substance, developing a tolerance for marijuana is problematic for those who consume it regularly. CBD tends to control the negative side effects of THC, suggesting that the compound limits how much binding occurs with your CB1 receptors. Photo by IRA_EVVA/Getty Images CBD acts as an antagonist when it comes to its relationship with your cannabinoid system, the opposite of what THC does.

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THC & CBD differ greatly when it comes to the effects they have on our bodies.

Like any other substance, developing a tolerance for marijuana is problematic for those who consume it regularly. Seasoned users find themselves buying and smoking tons of weed as a way of feeling the effects that they used to experience with just a few hits.

Once your tolerance for the drug is built up, specifically for THC, the most effective way of rebooting your system is to drop it for a couple of weeks so your body can shake off the cannabinoids. But does the same apply to CBD?

There are many reasons why you’d want to keep a low tolerance when...

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