Does Cannabis Use Actually Thwart Coronavirus Infection?

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Futhermore, cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid are converted to other compounds after decarboxylation and/or smoking. Regular CBD products are often made by burning the plant, which is not only carcinogenic, it also damages the molecular structure of the plant and changes its medicinal properties. Cannabis Use Won’t Replace Coronavirus Vaccinations Still, this doesn’t mean that you should swap a jab for a joint. The Oregon State University in vitro study hasn’t gone as far as human trials, as limits in medical cannabis research continue to be the norm. A new study this week has potheads gloating, late night talk show hosts snickering and a pandemic-scarred public contemplating a scenario straight out of a stoner comedy: Could cannabis actually stave off Covid?

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A new study this week has potheads gloating, late night talk show hosts snickering and a pandemic-scarred public contemplating a scenario straight out of a stoner comedy: Could cannabis actually stave off Covid?

The truth is, annoyingly, less straightforward than that. 

The study, published in the Journal of Natural Products, found that “cannabis compounds prevented the virus that causes Covid-19 from penetrating healthy human cells.”


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