Drug Treatment Admissions For Marijuana Down 80% In Philadelphia

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Drug treatment referrals for marijuana also reflect the racial bias prevalent in the enforcement of the nation’s drug laws. Data released by the National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that admissions to drug treatment centers for marijuana use in Philadelphia have dropped 80% over five years. In Philadelphia, the NDEWS data measured admissions into the city’s publicly funded drug treatment programs and others mandated for monitoring. During the same period, Philadelphia saw an increase in the percentage of drug treatment referrals for more dangerous and highly addictive drugs. In 2015, 1,086 people were referred to drug treatment for marijuana, making up 22.6% of the total admissions in the city during that year.

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Data released by the National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that admissions to drug treatment centers for marijuana use in Philadelphia have dropped 80% over five years. The decline in drug treatment center admissions is documented in the 2020 site report for Philadelphia from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) National Drug Early Warning System (NDEWS).

“Marijuana admissions have been declining for the past five years and have the lowest percentage of the selected substances reported,” the authors wrote in the report.


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