Edibles Gobbling Up Shelf Space

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Cannabis edibles consistently capture the third-largest amount of shelf space, thanks in large part to their popularity with a prized consumer demographic: the young, well-educated, and upwardly mobile. Most edibles (62 percent) come in 100mg packages, but shelf space allocation doesn’t necessarily reflect that, especially where candy is concerned. Brightfield’s researchers found the majority of candy shelf space (68 percent) is devoted to products designed to assist relaxation, sleep, or stress relief. Brightfield found 37 percent of candy shelf space devoted to 90mg packs, 31 percent to 350mg packs, 19 percent to 150mg packs, and 12 percent to 20mg products. The Brightfield report “Sweets on Shelf: Cannabis Edibles Trends Report” also reveals gummies and candy compose the most popular subcategory with 41 percent of edibles real estate, followed by baked goods (33 percent), chocolate (28 percent), and beverages (19 percent).

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CHICAGO – The edibles category is expected to surpass $10 billion in annual sales by 2025, according to new data from Brightfield Group. Cannabis edibles consistently capture the third-largest amount of shelf space, thanks in large part to their popularity with a prized consumer demographic: the young, well-educated, and upwardly mobile. Edibles users are more likely than other groups to be women with children.

The Brightfield report “Sweets on Shelf: Cannabis...

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