Heat waves and weed: Five ways that summer heat can affect a high

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Extreme heat can render them almost useless. “I recommend tinctures and flower as they won’t quickly break down in high heat,” cannabis educator Emma Chasen told MedMen. Here are five things to remember about cannabis during summer heat waves. Summer heat can weaken weed Just like with edibles, a person’s cannabis needs to be stored properly in these extreme temperatures. Much of the U.S. has already experienced multiple heat waves, and summer has only just begun. Any dark place in a home that’s climate-controlled is a good spot to store cannabis during a heat wave.

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Record heat events are starting to become the norm these days. Much of the U.S. has already experienced multiple heat waves, and summer has only just begun.

When the weather gets oppressively hot, there is not much a person can do to improve the situation other than to stay hydrated, and if one consumes cannabis, maybe get high and hope for a breeze.

Enjoying some quality THC on a particularly hot day can certainly improve mood, even if it can’t make it cooler. Some suggest there...

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