High Times Greats: Tony Serra

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High Times: Among the grass growers, don’t you find there are some idealists there—and some really good, symbolic cases to take on among them? Serra: There’s going to be several, but Jim LeSartre and Peter Robinson are certainly two that figure prominently. Up front, they’re interested in whether they’re going to prosper, and whether their materialism is going to be sustained. For the September, 1985 issue of High Times, William Meyers interviewed legendary activist and civil rights lawyer Tony Serra, who celebrates his birthday on December 30. Serra: They’ll offer whatever plea-bargains they can come up with, of course, to get the front-page, national publicity that’s going to send a great chill into the commercial crops.

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For the September, 1985 issue of High Times, William Meyers interviewed legendary activist and civil rights lawyer Tony Serra, who celebrates his birthday on December 30.

We’d like to turn you on to Tony Serra—San Francisco criminal-defense attorney and mouthpiece for whatever’s left of the peace-and-freedom revolution. His experience ranges from the campus uprisings and psychic revelations of the ’60s to the front lines of Reagan’s techno-hyped drug war. His politics is a fusion of moral outrage, compassion for the oppressed, and the joy of being stoned free. His appearance—in...

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