Higher Profile: Dr. Rebecca Siegel, Author, The Brain on Cannabis

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Taking a non-therapeutic dose of a high THC cultivar, either by smoking or ingesting, will most certainly cause an uncomfortable reaction. The THC Dilema The plant didn’t start out with high THC counts. Would an observational study of a high THC formulation show negative cognitive results in a small animal? Using high THC formulations in studies meant to show cause and effect for mental disorders is controversial in itself. Dr.

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Dr. Rebecca Siegel’s book opens to her admission that as a teenager in the 1980s, she was raised on the stereotype of “marijuana,” believing it was only used by unproductive and underachieving “potheads.”

The good doctor said she had to be hit over the head with a frying pan with the knowledge of the benefits of cannabis after listening to her patients’ success stories, prompting her to write her first book, The Brain on Cannabis.

“My life changed while in private practice when one of my patients, I call her Patient 0, opened my mind to cannabis as medicine,” she shared. “After that experience, I was more apt to listening...

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