Home Growers Take on Corporate Cannabis in Canada

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Under Canada’s Cannabis Act, adults are allowed to cultivate up to four cannabis plants per household, either indoors or outdoors. Take, for example, a nursery in the small town of Petitcodiac, New Brunswick that decided to hold a workshop on home cannabis cultivation last week. In a strange irony, Vancouver is shutting down its long-tolerated but unlicensed cannabis dispensaries — even as British Columbia struggles to meet demand amid a dearth of licensed retail outlets. The decision means it is now legal to grow your four cannabis plants at home in Quebec, the Canadian Press reports. Quebec’s cannabis law was passed in June 2018 under the previous Liberal government.

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In October 2018, Canada legalized cannabis for adult use nationwide. Under Canada’s Cannabis Act, adults are allowed to cultivate up to four cannabis plants per household, either indoors or outdoors. Now, almost a year into legalization, more Canadians are taking advantage of this freedom — and are pushing to expand it. 

Take, for example, a nursery in the small town of Petitcodiac, New Brunswick that decided to hold a workshop on home cannabis cultivation last week. They were overwhelmed by the turnout and had to find a bigger venue at the last minute.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Bob Osborne, owner of Corn Hill Nursery, told...

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