How a Cold Spring Stunted Cannabis Seedlings

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This year, we dealt with the challenges of an unusually cold spring which led to stunted cannabis seedlings and delays in the grow cycle. One friend said he had never planted such small cannabis starts. Our cannabis starts were so tiny that we had to delay the gender testing from Leafworks. We’ll see how big they get this season, but we know even these stunted cannabis seedlings will be amazing. PHOTO Nikki Lastreto The poor plants were cold, confused, anxious and stunted, and we were going crazy trying to keep up with the changes.

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“It’s farmin’” I like to say every time there is a minor crisis or impending disaster brought on by the weather, a broken water line in the irrigation system, or a broken water pump on the tractor. And just when you think you’ve made every mistake or solved every problem about growing the crop, some new crisis needs a solution, right away. This year, we dealt with the challenges of an unusually cold spring which led to stunted cannabis seedlings and delays in the grow cycle.

Last year’s crisis involved the delicate cannabis seedling starts which were being...

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