How Australia Accomplished Federal Cannabis Legalization

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This resulted in many efforts to eradicate all cannabis growing in the bush, particularly in New South Wales’s Hunter region. On October 17, 2015, the federal government announced it would legalize commercial growing of cannabis for medicinal and scientific purposes. Today, Australia is one of forty-two countries around the world that acknowledge cannabis for its medicinal value. The founding Commonwealth countries are Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and the United Kingdom. The initial plan was to produce hemp commercially in Australia and, indeed, cannabis was one of Australia’s primary crops up until cannabis was declared a dangerous drug during the 1925 Geneva Convention.

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Over the past several years, I’ve been fortunate to travel the world thanks to cannabis. From rooftop parties in Tel Aviv and Toronto to underground events in Santiago and Sydney, the memories and stories are enough to write a hefty book about taking part in the most historically relevant cultural evolution of our lifetimes. Some places and experiences are more memorable than others, and one place that stood out in the early years is not just a country but also a continent: Australia.

To discuss cannabis legalization in the land Down Under, we must examine the commonwealth’s history. When you mention Australia to Americans, many...

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