How Often Should You Change Your Bong Water?

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RELATED: Your Bong Probably Has More Germs Than A Toilet Seat Dirty bong water could lead to lung infections, especially if the bong is being used regularly. A lot of people let their bong water stew without thinking about all the germs that are growing there. You might clean your bong every two weeks or, if you’re that type of person, when the water starts to smell funky. When it comes to the water in your bong, some people say switching out the water once a day is what you’re supposed to do, even if it sounds excessive. If you’re bad at keeping track of your bong use and the state of your water, it’s pretty easy to know when you should give it a quick rinse.

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A lot of people let their bong water stew without thinking about all the germs that are growing there.

The maintenance and upkeep of weed paraphernalia is largely dependent on the person. You might clean your bong every two weeks or, if you’re that type of person, when the water starts to smell funky. If you belong to the latter group then you’re about to read some bad news.

While there’s no need to be obsessive, cleaning your pipe and bong is important. At the end of the day, these are the instruments that are handling elements that go inside your body, improving or messing with your experience. When it comes to the water in your bong,...

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