How To Battle Animal & Mold Infestations in Outdoor Cannabis Grows

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The hormones the geraniums exude will keep the aphids away. If you suspect an infestation of mold or fungus, wear rubber gloves while checking things out. Wiping away the dead mold will also wipe away the stem if it is dead. Try not to, because the mold might have punctured the stem all the way to the hollow core of the plant. Whether this is due to male culling or animals or mold or fungus, plant a few extra plants to make up for the future losses and the crop will turn out fine.

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All outdoor marijuana crops have the potential to be destroyed by one or two of the various problems lurking in the wilderness, unlike indoor growing where plants are protected. In checking on the crop, make sure to keep an eye on the little details that will spell trouble later. There are a few different things to look for:


An aphid infestation is a hard infestation to get rid of. For most of us, using chemical insecticide is the no-brainer solution, and they’re right. Aphids are very hard to kill. Chemicals can be used if the plant is still in the green foliage growth...

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