How to Clean a Bong (Step-by-Step Guide)

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Before we move on to the most efficient bong cleaning techniques, we’d like to give you two additional pieces of advice. Dangers of smoking out of a dirty bong First and foremost, smoking out of a dirty bong severely compromises the flavor of the herb you’re smoking. When everything is taken into consideration, it becomes painfully clear that there’s much more to lose than to gain from keeping your bong dirty. Best of all, you can even use 100% natural ingredients to clean your bong to ensure safe weed smoking sessions afterward. If you don’t clean your bong regularly, you’ll end up with a lot of sticky buildup that is very difficult to scrub off.

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There are countless reasons for why smoking out of a dirty bong is a bad idea. Even though most of us are guilty of doing precisely that during our college years (and after), it’s important that as we mature, our habits mature too.

As we grow older, we naturally start paying more attention to things like hygiene and health. However, apart from those two things, there are many other reasons why keeping our bongs clean at all times is something all of us should start practicing ASAP.

But, before we list a few of the most efficient techniques for keeping your bong clean, let’s run through a few key reasons why it’s super important to pay attention...

Read the full article @ Green Camp