How to Clone Cannabis? A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

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Can you clone cannabis straight into soil?It is completely fine to clone cannabis straight into a soil medium — some growers/farmers even prefer doing this as it makes future transplanting less risky. From avoiding male plants to keeping your favorite strain genetics always on hand, cloning cannabis plants in particular offers cannabis growers a world of benefits. The Science Behind Cannabis CloningLocated within the growing tips on the branches of the cannabis plant is a tissue region called meristem that contains undifferentiated cells. Thankfully, cloning plants, especially cannabis plants, is such a ridiculously simple process. So let’s look into how to clone cannabis.

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Consistent genetics, rapid propagation, controlled growth, and preservation of desirable traits are just a few ways cloning offers several benefits in various agricultural fields. From avoiding male plants to keeping your favorite strain genetics always on hand, cloning cannabis plants in particular offers cannabis growers a world of benefits. So let’s look into how to clone cannabis

The Science Behind Cannabis Cloning

Located within the growing tips on the branches of the cannabis plant is a tissue region called meristem that contains undifferentiated cells. These cells are special because they can develop into...

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