How to Harvest Sungrown Cannabis

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We usually cut about 20 plants on each harvest day and cut for three days in a row. The later into October and November the harvest extends, the more likely a heavy frost will hit, especially in mountain valleys. The other crew picks the plants closest to the garden gate, cuts away the trellises and proceeds to harvest the whole plant. Up in the Mendocino Highlands, harvest typically starts in late September or early October, depending on the cultivar. We harvest in the dark— very early in the morning—so that we finish that day’s cutting before first light.

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Up in the Mendocino Highlands, harvest typically starts in late September or early October, depending on the cultivar. Some girls want to come in early, and some may stretch it out until early November. Here at Swami Select, we had an Ethiopian Sativa one year that finished after Thanksgiving—not what you want because of the increased likelihood of fog, rain or frost that late in the season.

This is the tensest time of year, because there are still so many ways that you could lose some or all of the crop. In the old days, the paranoia was palpable as October arrived. While the crop ripened, every day that you waited to cut increased the chances of...

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