How to Rehydrate Weed: Useful Hacks, Tips, and Tricks

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Rehydrating weed – a quick checklist While “science” behind rehydrating weed isn’t as complicated, there are a few things you should always have in mind. Prevention: don’t get it dry in the first place Inadequate storage is by far the most common cause of dry weed. It may take you some time to get the hang of it, but you’ll learn the art of rehydrating weed very quickly. There is a tone of products you can buy online to rehydrate dry weed. Your dry weed should go on top of it all, where it can be moistened by vapor.

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If you’re not new to cannabis, you probably stumbled across dry buds at one point or another. Restoring their moisture is a fairly simple process — assuming you know some very important tricks.

Dry weed is crispy and fragile. If it’s bone-dry, it will turn to powder at the touch of your hand.

And if you ever tricked yourself into smoking dry herb, you know that its brittleness is the least of your worries.

It’s harsh on the lungs, burns fast, and doesn’t cause a decent high. This is because it burns at a much higher temperature, and more THC is lost in the process.


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