Industrial Hemp Products, Including CBD, Are Finally Legit In California

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RELATED: Will California Ever ‘Legalize’ CBD? Like its predecessor bills, the goal of AB-45 is to “legalize” many different CBD products. A brief history about California’s love/hate relationship with hemp CBD is warranted. Hopefully the FDA takes note and initiates its own rulemaking process to finally address the manufacture, distribution, and sale of hemp CBD products within a federal framework that piggy backs off of the 2018 Farm Bill. Many people ignore — or just don’t want to believe — the fact that, until recently, California was a bit of a villain when it came to the manufacture, distribution, and sale of industrial hemp derived products, namely hemp CBD in food, beverages, dietary supplements, animal products, and cosmetics. AB-45 takes a lot of concepts from AB-228, but adds some things that–while intended to compromise apparently controversial aspects of prior legislative attempts–are sure to upset some people in the industry (like banning all smokable hemp products, including vapes).

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The passage of Assembly Bill 45 is significant in that California will no longer be a CBD dinosaur.

Many people ignore — or just don’t want to believe — the fact that, until recently, California was a bit of a villain when it came to the manufacture, distribution, and sale of industrial hemp derived products, namely hemp CBD in food, beverages, dietary supplements, animal products, and cosmetics. However, AB-45 is going to change all of that once Governor Newsom inevitably signs it into law, as it’s now passed the Senate and Assembly.


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