Is Marijuana Harmful?

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So the answer is if you are going to do alcohol, cigarettes or marijuana, marijuana is most likely the best for your body. People still ask, is marijuana harmful. Marijuana Might Provide Immediate Relief Consistent with numerous other studies, researchers report patients using medical cannabis reported improvements in health-related quality of life, which were mostly sustained over time. It has been made clear via research marijuana is better and easier on the body than alcohol. Photo by Cappi Thompson/Getty Images Medical Marijuana has been recognized as important to cancer, PTSD, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS and more.

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Marijuana is recreationally legal in 23 states, medically in 40. Roughly 88% of Americans believe it should be fully legal in some form.  Respected universities like the University of Alabama, Cornell, the University of Mississippi and more are doing research as scientists continue to discover benefits and downsides of cannabis.

People still ask, is marijuana harmful.  The answer is not really, if youconsume in moderation.  Like most things (sugar, drinking, etc), if...

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