Kickstart 2021 With These 25 Hilarious Stoners and Weed Quotes!

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Also, next time you meet with your stoners’ gang, make sure you crack a few of these to ROFL them up! .single .td-post-template-default .remove_margin_bottom .imgPinWrap img { margin-bottom: 0px !important;}.single-post .td-post-content .td-post-featured-image .imgPinWrap img { margin-left: 0;}.single-post .td-post-content .imgPinWrap img { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;margin-bottom: 0;}.single-post .td-post-content .imgPinWrap {width:100%;}.single-post .td-post-content .imgPinWrap .left { left: 19%;}@media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1018px){.single-post .td-post-content .imgPinWrap .left { left: 7%;}}@media (min-width:521px) and (max-width:767px){.single-post .td-post-content .imgPinWrap .left { left: 22%;}}@media (max-width:520px){.single-post .td-post-content .imgPinWrap .left { left: 7%;}} What could be the better way to kickstart 2021 than with some hilarious weed quotes? Without much ado, let us get you all ROFL with these top 25 hilarious marijuana quotes of 2021. Besides, the sarcasm level is always on high when stoners get together!” The more medicated, the more dedicated.   “Another legend, another marvelous weed quotes! All a man need is– a bad bitch that blows well and a good weed that he can blow well!

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What could be the better way to kickstart 2021 than with some hilarious weed quotes?

It might be possible that you are looking for some great stoner quotes just to impress your homies and stoners friends next time you meet over the smoke session or just to ‘level up’ your weed knowledge. Whatever the case, you have come to the right place!

We have a wide and ‘weedy’ collection of some of the best & funny marijuana quotes we collected over the years. For this article, we have selected the top 25 of them– just for you lovely people.

These stoner quotes...

Read the full article @ Marijuana Span