Learn How to Harvest Cannabis Like a Pro

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What Time of Day Should You Harvest Cannabis Plants? What Month Should You Harvest Your Cannabis Plants? The first rains have come and gone, the mornings are getting frosty, cannabis harvest is in full swing and it’s all hands on deck! Cannabis drying in a wooden barn is rather like fermenting grapes in a wine barrel. We usually take about 20 plants a day, so with our 200 plant count there will be 10 harvest mornings.

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The first rains have come and gone, the mornings are getting frosty, cannabis harvest is in full swing and it’s all hands on deck! The cutting down of the girls can extend for four or five weeks depending on the weather and how many different cultivars are being harvested. Preparation beforehand is the key to a successful harvest because improper drying and curing can ruin a good crop.

An important thing for every cannabis farmer to remember is that it takes almost as much square footage to dry cannabis as it does to grow it. So, if your number of plants has increased, so must the drying area. At Ganja...

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