Lone Cannabinoids: THCA

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THCA sticks to silica gel to a certain degree, he says, so compounds that don’t stick come out first. Because cannabinoids are so similar, the process of getting only one cannabinoid per separator is difficult, he says, but not impossible. For anyone curious about extracting THCA, answers are just an online search away. Archibald speculates the effects would be “similar to synthetic cannabinoids, like Spice, because you don’t have the CBD to mitigate the anxiety that THC can produce. It’s just dangerous because you have to use pentane,” which is highly combustible like its butane/BHO cousin.

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The psychoactive effects produced from ingesting cannabis are a result of not just THC, but of THC in synergy with hundreds of other cannabinoids present in the plant known as the “entourage effect.” The pure THCA experience can therefore leave much to be desired for the casual cannabist.

“It’s interesting, but it’s only one compound and medical marijuana is medical because of all the cannabinoids, not just one,” says Matt Archibald, President of Botanical Process Solutions, a company that supplies supercritical CO2 extraction systems...

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