Medical Marijuana

Jail For Using Medical Marijuana To Save Your Life
Malaysia continues to have the harshest cannabis laws in the world, including death  for convicted marijuana dealers. Irony is lost on bureaucrats and sometimes fairness can be skewed. This is our followup on our article...
Fresh Toast
What To Keep In Mind When Using Cannabis To Sleep
Need to feel more rested? Keep this in mind when using cannabis to help you clock in your eight hours. Cannabis and sleep are great partners. Like most sleep aids, it takes a while to crack the code, once you do it, you’ll...
Fresh Toast
Women Use Cannabis To Treat Gynecological Conditions
Study finds that women are now more open to treating gynecological conditions with cannabis. Women do not have it easy. Every woman during certain ages experiences they’re monthly, but up to 20 percent of women experience...
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Ways To Use Hemp Oil To Look Younger
Whether you’re looking to treat a specific skin condition, or simply want to improve your health regime, there’s a lot that hemp seed oil can do!    The number of years you’ve been alive doesn’t necessarily tell...
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We Asked AI To Write An Article On Cannabis
We wanted to see what AI thought of cannabis – and were surprised at the medical marijuana response and fact checking   With the major tech companies focusing on advancing artificial intelligence (AI), remarkable changes...
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Is CBD Medicine?
Some people see CBD as a silver bullet for a variety of things – it helps – but is it medicine? Amazon has hundreds of CBD products and the CBD companies make claims that it can help on a wide variety of things – but...
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Can CBD Really Help Your Hair?
CBD Hair Products promise, but can they deliver? Ads are everywhere about making your hair more luxe, thicker, shiner, and just perfect!  The hair care product industry is worth over $75 Billion globally and that excludes...
Fresh Toast
Is Marijuana Harmful?
Marijuana is recreationally legal in 23 states, medically in 40. Roughly 88% of Americans believe it should be fully legal in some form.  Respected universities like the University of Alabama, Cornell, the University of...
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Louisiana Legislators May Have Legalized More Than Hemp!
Louisiana is a champion of alcohol – but may have also helped marijuana a bit by not paying attention Louisiana is known as a laid back state when it comes to drinking.  Where else are there drive up liquor stores where...
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ATF Says Yes To Guns Unless, You Know, Cannabis
There has been a ton of buzz in lately about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) stand on marijuana.  With 24 states now saying it is cannabis is fully legal and 40 having medical marijuana, the...
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Does Marijuana Lower Male Testosterone
As the US has a conversation about masculinity, there is a notion that marijuana lowers male testosterone. The imagine of the couch sitting stoner being lazy is ingrained in our mind.  For those who remember the 70s Show,...
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Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life
All we want is to live happy, productive, healthy lives right?  Who would have guessed cannabis could play a key role. According to observational data published in the JAMA Network Open, patients suffering from pain, cancer,...
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5 Facts About Glaucoma And Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana glaucoma treatment can help reduced eye pressure and relieve pain. But it isn’t the cure people think. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness (cataracts are number 1) with about 3.5 million...
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Does Marijuana Help With Headaches?
Marijuana can reduce pain and provide some additional benefits, such as relaxation, calmness, improved sleep, and many others. The definition of a headache is a throbbing or constant pain arising from any region of the head,...
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Does Your Medical Marijuana Card Work In Other States?
Medical marijuana reciprocity states usually allow patients to use their cards to access dispensaries. However, some states are more lenient than others in this regard. Currently, 36 states across the United States, including...
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