Nebraska Advocacy Group Working on Two Petitions for Medical Cannabis

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Nebraska is currently working on petitions that could legalize medical cannabis. At the end of the 2021 legislative session, a medical cannabis bill that was co-sponsored by Senator Anna Wishart was also struck down. Following the failure of an initiative to legalize medical cannabis in Nebraska in 2020, advocates immediately set to work on not one but two new initiatives for the 2022 election year. The first initiative states that the legislature must protect doctors who choose to recommend medical cannabis, as well as patients from being convicted for possession or consumption. The advocacy group called Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana held a brief campaign update on August 4 on Facebook asking for volunteers to contribute their time, money or talents to the cause.  “We are getting very close to having a petition and language ready to file.

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Nebraska is currently working on petitions that could legalize medical cannabis. 

Following the failure of an initiative to legalize medical cannabis in Nebraska in 2020, advocates immediately set to work on not one but two new initiatives for the 2022 election year. 

The advocacy group called Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana held a brief campaign update on August 4 on Facebook asking for volunteers to contribute their time, money or talents to the cause. 


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