Nevada Cannabis Updates: Licensing Frozen, Flower Safety Warning Issued

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The Nevada Department of Taxation has issued a health and safety advisory warning consumers about some cannabis products that have failed secondary tests at an independent lab for mold and yeast content. LAS VEGAS – It has been a bumpy road over the past few days for the Nevada cannabis industry. The ruling sides with applicants who claim they were wrongly denied retail cannabis licenses. Attorneys for the companies denied licenses argued that the licensing process was not transparent and that temporary workers were improperly used to review applications. The applicants challenging the licensing process argued that that sixty-one of the approved licenses in Nevada should be voided.

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LAS VEGAS – It has been a bumpy road over the past few days for the Nevada cannabis industry. 

The Nevada Department of Taxation has issued a health and safety advisory warning consumers about some cannabis products that have failed secondary tests at an independent lab for mold and yeast content. Further testing will be done on the samples at another laboratory.

According to the taxation department the products in question were sold to customers between 7/11/19 and 8/19/19...

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