Pancreatic Cancer And Chemo And CBD

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Research Findings on Cannabidiol (CBD) and Chemotherapy Cancer Treatments In the recent study mentioned above, mice that were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer received CBD administration alongside chemotherapy treatments. Now research has given a small ray of hope for pancreatic cancer and chemo and CBD. According to the American Cancer Society, amongst the combination of all stages of pancreatic cancer, the survival rate for one-year is 20%, and the survival rate for five years is under seven percent. On a worldwide scale, pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer in regards to overall survival rates. Although this study hasn’t been conducted on humans yet, the released results demonstrate the need to further investigate and study cannabis compounds, especially CBD. Grim Pancreatic Cancer Survival Rates Overall, pancreatic cancer is the twelfth most common cancer on a worldwide scale. If human testing is conducted on the combined topic of pancreatic cancer, CBD, and chemotherapy treatments, this would build upon past animal research findings.

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Cancer is a tough diagnosis and hope is a must to help through the journey.  Research may have given some with CBD and chemo

Out of all types of cancers that exist, which type do you think is one of the hardest to beat? On a worldwide scale, pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer in regards to overall survival rates.  Now research has given a small ray of hope for pancreatic cancer and chemo and CBD.

According to the American Cancer Society, amongst the combination...

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