Pro Tips for Harvesting and Curing Your Cannabis

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Try not to leave mud on the roots, but don’t leave any roots behind as well. This easy-to-follow method for harvesting and curing the crop beats putting them in the oven for a few minutes to dry them out. Harvesting the crop is a straightforward business, but there are a few things to know before you start the process. After that, don’t rinse the root, just leave the root ball with the vodka on it. Leave the roots of the plant in the vodka and water solution for about an hour.

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Harvesting the crop is a straightforward business, but there are a few things to know before you start the process.

The Harvest

Before beginning, prepare a good, strong elixir of equals parts chilled vodka and water. The vodka (cooled to zero degrees celsius), will shock the roots into closing up and will actually make them stop functioning. This is exactly what you want, since the goal is to dehydrate the plant.

Pull the plants up after an entire day of strong, consistent sunlight, but be careful not to disturb the root ball any more than necessary. Try not to leave mud on the roots, but don’t leave any roots behind as well. Ideally,...

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